Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Creating an image in Photoshop

By now, you should be familiar with Photoshop enough to use it. For tonight's assignment, I want you to have some fun and create an image of some kind in Photoshop. It could be a collage, or just  you manipulating a single image, but be creative. I want you to use whatever techniques you already know, or techniques you research using the web. I am not giving you any restrictions on the content of your image, but I do required one thing:

Here is your assignment:
I want you to write down the tools you used on the individual parts of your image. If you use the Clone Tool to remove part of your image, tell me you used it and tell me how you used it. I want to hear about your process in creating your image. Did you use the Magic Wand tool to select an area? Tell me. You must write at least 10 sentences about what you did to manipulate the image to avoid failing this project. You may write more than 10 if you'd like. If you can't write 10 sentences, you'd better go back and do more work to your image!

One last stipulation: image size

I want you ALL to create a new document to start this project. Remember, Command-N will create a new document. MAKE SURE YOUR DOCUMENT SIZE IS: 10 inches by 10 inches square and your resolution is 72ppi. If your image width/height defaults to pixels, you must change the drop-down menus to inches and type "10" in the field. You will be graded on this as well!

As I said before, you may include any kind of imagery in this document for your project, but please make sure your document is the correct size and resolution! Once finished, to to FILE -> SAVE AS and save your document as a .JPG file. It will say it's saving it as a copy, and that's o.k. Save your file with the naming structure: lastname_photoshop.jpg and save it to your desktop. Then EMAIL me your .jpg file *AND* your 10 sentence (or more) description of your techniques to me no later than midnight, Friday, February 8th!

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