Monday, January 14, 2013

Examining design

You have found three images that you felt were creatively inspired. Now, I want you to think about why they inspired you, or why you felt they inspired others. Take a moment and go beyond the typical "I like it" or "it was pretty" and tell me what attracted you to it. Was it the way colors were used? Was it the message (if it had a message?) Was it a unique combination of imagery and type that worked together? Be specific when you talk about your images!

I want you to write one paragraph on each of your three inspired images. That would total THREE paragraphs! Remember, a paragraph *must* contain a minimum of four sentences! :) You may write more, if you feel you need more space to express your feelings about your images, but you must have a minimum of four sentences for each image!

Please type them into the email directly and don't use Microsoft Word or any other program. Putting them directly in the email will make them much easier for me to read from anywhere. Email me your three sentences no later than midnight this Tuesday (1/15/13) to recieve credit.

Remember, it says in my syllabus that I don't accept late work! I will make this *ONE* exception for those who haven't turned in their images yet. Turn them in along with tonight's assignment if you want a grade!

Don't forget to turn this in!!!!


- write one paragraph for each of your three images from last week

- email your three paragraphs to me no later than midnight, Tuesday, January 15th.

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