Sunday, March 3, 2013

Photoshop pre-midterm test assignment

So, it's almost mid-term and you all have been doing a great job with Photoshop. So now I want to see how well you can create a piece in photoshop without me telling you what tutorials to use. Think of this assignment like a test. I'm going to test your skills in both Photoshop and being able to find help on the internet on your own.

In the real world, a graphic designer will come across projects that require skills or techniques they simply don't possess. This is a common occurrence and something to be expected. So, for this assignment, I will be asking you to step outside your comfort zone and experiment with Photoshop that's beyond your own capabilities.

I'm going to pick FIVE specific image types I want you to find to use for this project. Then, I'm going to ask you to combine them into one document, alter them in some way and make a visually pleasing design. You may come up with your own techniques or find tutorials/techniques on the internet to help you complete this assignment. The most important part of this assignment is: you are on your own. How you handle this assignment will tell me a lot about you, and your work style.

Take your time, have fun and BE CREATIVE!


Here are the five image types I want you to find and use for this project: 
(I've given examples in parenthesis, but feel free to use your own ideas!)

Background photo *MUST* be some type of body of water (Ocean, river, lake, pond, etc.)
• A single building of some kind (skyscraper, church, garage, house, etc.)
• An image of a person. Must be a human being. (can be anyone)
• A real or fictional animal. (Horse, lion, unicorn, dragon, etc.)
• A machine of some kind. (blender, motorcycle, hairdryer, radio, etc.)

Your assignment is to combine the four images into your background "water" image. Emphasis should be placed on trying to make these objects/people look as realistic as possible in your watery background image.


If you are successfully able to do any of the following with good results, you will be given extra credit points:

• Alter the color of your animal to something wild, but still keep the animal looking realistic.
• Put an animal's *head* onto your "person's" body!!! (Sounds fun, right? You still must have a 2nd animal in your image if you do this!)
• Make a convincing reflection of your "building" in the "water" of your background image.


You will have tonight's class and Wednesday's class to work on these but they *MUST* be turned in before you leave on Wednesday night. I will NOT accept late work on this project. As a matter of fact, I will no longer be accepting ANY late work on any project. The world of graphic design is deadline-based. In the real world, if you turn in a project late, you'll be fired. So, for the rest of the semester, if you turn in a project late, you'll fail that project. No make-ups will be given without a doctor's excuse or a copy of an obituary if a close relative passes away. Those are the ONLY two instances when you'll be given an extension, and those two will require that the project be turned in during the very next class you attend.

So, spend your time wisely and HAVE FUN!

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